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Sorry Not Sorry / Scuze, dar nu prea Episodul 1

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Sorry Not Sorry / Scuze, dar nu prea (2024) subtitrat în română

Sorry Not Sorry / Scuze, dar nu prea (2024) subtitrat în română

Today, Ji Song, Jisong, Today's Jisong, Sorry Again, Oneuldo Ji Song Habnida
Status: Ongoing Released: Dec 5, 2024 - ? Duration: 60 min. Country: Type: Drama Episodes: 12 Director: Casts: , , , , ,
Ji Song I is a single woman who gets dumped overnight and struggles with the difficult life of part-time jobs to pay off her newlywed home loan as she moves into a new town full of twists and turns. Song I is someone who disguises herself as a married woman to stand up to the pretense and estrangement of the new town moms. Choi Ha Na is a power J-type new town working mom who enjoys the Miracle Morning at 5 a.m. wearing leggings and documents everything in Excel. Ha Na was Song I's best friend for 10 years, but they grew apart due to a certain incident. An Chan Yang is a pottery workshop teacher who teaches children and is someone who will show the essence of a new town woman from her looks to her lifestyle. With her slender body that seems ready to fly and her flowing skirt, she may seem innocent on the outside, but in reality, she is a princess with a pure mind, and her silly and sassy side is a terminal social media addict. (Source: Korean = Naver || Translation = MyDramaList)

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Posted by: admin Released on: 2 luni ago


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